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Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw is looking for a

post-doctoral fellow

to work on the project:

Cryptographic Protocols Provably-Secure Against Physical Attacks

The project is founded by the Foundation for Polish Science "Welcome" programme operated within the Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2007-2013. Information about the project can be found here.

starting date:
duration: 2.5 years (negotiable)

salary: around 7000 PLN (net)

Deadline for the application: 10.10.2011 (12:00 GMT)

The candidate have posses a PhD degree (on 1.12.2011 the latest), ideally in cryptography, or in a related field.

Fluency in English is required.  The knowledge of Polish is not needed.

To apply to send an email (in Polish or in English) to: crypto@mimuw.edu.pl indicating the position you are applying for, and containing:
  1. CV including the list of grades from the PhD studies and the final grade (if available),
  2. a name and contact data of at least one professor that can recommend you for this position
  3. (optional) a motivation letter.
all attachments should be in pdf or in text format (we will acknowledge the receipt of every mail -- in case you have not received any reply within 2 days, please try to contact directly Stefan Dziembowski).

Any informal inquiries are welcome and should be sent to Stefan Dziembowski.

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